Thursday, October 21, 2010

Yushima Teijin Shrine to the god of learning

Yushima Tenmangu best known as Yushima Tenjin was established in 458 to worship Ameno-tajikaraono-mikoto; in 1355 the spirit of Sugawara Michizane, a virtuoso scholar and poet from the Heian period, was also enshrined here.

These days, students pay reverence to the “kami” of learning at the temple. On examinations periods it’s common to see students and mothers, writing petitions on the wihishing boards “Ema”. Additionally as the shrine is a short walk from Tokyo University, the place gets usually crowded on the days prior the entrance examination day.

After entering the shrine grounds, the most outstanding object is the beautiful building of the main shrine, or honden, the large number of Ema or wish boards comes a close second.

The main hall and the main hall are connected with a stunning bridge, at prayer time you can see the priest in full regalia crossing the bridge.

The shrine is preparing for the chrysanthemums flower festival, when the temple is decorated with this flower and wax figures wearing clothes made of the flower, the festival is celebrated in the first weeks of November.



Unknown said...

Interesting look at one of the shrines that you don't (as a tourist) often hear about.

Looks quite stark, surrounded by the apartment (mansion) blocks all around.

And you're right - quite nice structures.

islandjp said...

hopefully I'll be able to re-visit the shrine during the coming festival